The Fastest Way To Lose Fat and Get Jacked
Is With Clarity, Direction, and Support
Scott Tousignant
Hey there, coach Scott at your service.

Here to help you eliminate confusion and overwhelm from your transformation journey.

Guiding you step by step as you finally carve out the lean and muscular physique you've been yearning for. 
Even If You've Tried Every Diet and Failed
Almost nobody experiences a successful body transformation the first time around. Yet, for some reason, when we slip on on our diet we beat ourselves up and wonder what's wrong with us.

Let me assure you... there is nothing wrong with you. All of those past 'failures' made for great practice to prepare you for the incredible body transformation you are about to experience.

It's normal to experience some self doubt as you embark on a transformation. For example, my client Frank was convinced that he could never be a successful dieter...
diet coach
And yet with the proper personalized approach and guidance, Frank experienced an amazing body transformation at 43 years young and looks like a freak'n stud...
how to lose fat and get jacked
"I’ve been working with Scott for almost 6 months and it’s been nothing short of amazing. Not only does he know his stuff but his positive attitude is contagious and makes me want to work hard.

Although I had failed at most of my previous attempts to diet, Scott assured me that I could do it and put together a plan that was not only doable but sustainable. He was there every step of the way with encouragement when I had victories and the occasional kick in the pants when I needed it.

Scott tailored my training around my busy lifestyle and previous orthopedic injuries. While I did work really hard, the plan was flexible and kept me healthy and excited about training.

I’m excited for our muscle building phase and to see where Scott can take my physique. I would highly recommend hiring Scott!"

~ Frank
Keeping It Simple and Having Fun
There are two main reasons my coaching clients experience great success;

1) I keep nutrition simple, while building upon your natural eating tendencies.

2) I make training fun and effective! It's what I excel at.

I love geeking out on program design. Creating training plans and systems that work with your body, suit your lifestyle, personal preferences, available equipment, and spark your enthusiasm. Igniting the fire within you to give your best effort, because you are having a blast in the process.

It's the kind of joint friendly, yet hardcore physique training that makes you look smoke'n hot and feel young again.

Like Jeff who's experienced an incredible transformation and looking absolutely freak'n JACKED at 42 years young...
fat loss coach
"Before I began working with Coach Scott, searching for knowledge on the internet to reach my fitness goals was infinitely harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Unfortunately, we live in an era where disinformation is at every corner and readily available at a click of a button.

What makes Coach Scott different is his decades of experience and proven methods that can help you maximize both fat loss and muscle building. There are no tricks or gimmicks with his approach, only results you will be satisfied with. Coach Scott is more than a trainer as he has become my role model, life mentor, and friend. As such, I strongly recommend him without any reservations."

~ Jeff Chan
Accountability To Keep You On Track
With all of the temptations around us it can make sticking with your diet very hard. Throw in life stresses along with a demanding schedule and your challenge just got a lot tougher. There will be times when you 'slip up' and give into a temptation. It happens to all of us. How you handle each of these situations is what determines your success.

And that's where great coaching comes into play. Helping you navigate these challenges in the best possible way so that even a temporary 'setback' propels you forward while setting you on the path of long term success.

As a coach, I thrive from the engagement with my clients. The more you share with me, the better I can serve you and the more rewarding this experience will be for the both of us.

I take great pride in going above and beyond to meet your needs and do everything in my power to help you achieve your goals, just like I've helped Mario sculpt a movie star physique at 54 years young...
fat loss coach
"The online coaching experience with Coach Scott has massively exceeded my expectations. If you are interested in natural physique development and aspire to a body like Daniel Craig or Ryan Reynolds, coach Scott’s programming and guidance can get you there.

Coach Scott OVERDELIVERS in every way. I’m nearly 55 and have an intense and demanding career. But Scott has helped me craft a lifestyle that creates the conditions for success. 

The improvement journey continues and I am grateful that I never again have to say “one day” I will get in shape. This life changing coaching continues to benefit me across every dimension of my life. I would urge anyone reading this to GO PRO and work with Coach Scott."

~ Mario
Chances Are We Can Relate To Each Other
body transformation
I'm not some genetic freak who's always been jacked. I'm just your average bro. I've faced my fair share of struggles and challenges.

I'm certain I can relate to you on many levels as I'm sure you can relate to me. That's what makes us a great fit to work together towards achieving your physique goals.

I grew up as a scrawny little kid (first pic). Then at the age of 13 my parents bought me a York 2000 multi-gym and weight set with cement filled plates and I immediately become hooked.

After 6 years of consistent hard lifting at the age of 19 I weighed a whopping 123 pounds (second pic). I'm 5' 7" tall by the way. Definitely your definition of a typical hardgainer.

Then in my mid 20's life stresses caught up to me and kicked me in the ass. I was swamped running a business while starting a family. I began making poor nutrition choices, which led to me gaining 50 pounds of fat. I felt incredibly uncomfortable in my own skin. So much so that I wouldn't take my shirt off at the beach (third pic).

I struggled for nearly 10 years to lose that fat. I would lose a bit, then fall of the wagon over and over again. Then at 35 years of age and after losing 10 of the 50 pounds, I decided enough was enough. I was going to give myself 6-pack abs for my 36th birthday. I knew some serious accountability was needed, so as terrifying as it felt, I took some pics and posted them on social media (fourth pic).

Most people thought I looked good at that point. And I did compared to most guys my age. Losing that first 10 pounds definitely made a positive visual impact on how I looked. But I still didn't feel like myself. My appearance, energy, and mood wasn't congruent with who I truly was.

Losing fat and getting jacked wasn't easy, but it's been one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever gone through. And the best part is that it set the stage for ongoing success and adventure. I've never looked back. Continuously growing and improving in countless ways.

That's how I know this is a true lifestyle approach.

And now, 11 years later at 47 years young I'm feeling on top of the world living life to the fullest with confidence, pride, zest, and vitality.
Scott Tousignant Jacked After 40
Now It's Your Turn!
You visited this page because of your desire to improve your physique and most important, your life!

And because you know that having the guidance, support, and accountability from a coach with over 20 years of experience will provide you with the quickest path to achieving your goal.

Now it's time to take action...
Just a few short months from now you could be in the best shape of your life, like Stefan, who's approaching his 51st birthday and celebrating it with a lean, jacked, and healthy physique...
"The older I get, the more I pay attention to my mental and, above all, physical health so that I still have a high quality of life later on. My body has different needs and limits at 50 than it did in my mid-20s, and as a family man and executive, my time and expertise to come up with a body transformation plan on my own is limited.

I needed a training and nutrition plan that was tailored precisely for me. That's exactly what I got from Scott. Since he has been training me, I have been able to make progress that I previously thought was almost impossible.

At the same time, my quality of life, mood, and energy levels have steadily increased. I have become a happier person. I have Scott to thank for all of this. He is knowledgeable, motivating, uplifting, helps me with frustrations and always has an open ear.

I can recommend Scott as a coach to anyone who wants to make a lasting change in their own life for the better, For a personal reference, I am always available via LinkedIn"

~ Stefan Pohl
This was a great conversation with one of my coaching clients David, who shares how he beat his food additions and has lost 18 pounds during our first 3 months working together. Dropping from a 38 to a 32 inch waist, and finally seeing his abs for the first time in his life at the age of 48.

David could have every possible excuse to throw in the towel and give up on ever trying to get lean. From working 80 hour weeks, constantly surrounded by food temptations, and having to wake in the middle of the night to manage his son's diabetes just to name a few.

You'll hear how he's overcome all of these challenges and continues to push forward in pursuit of living his best life....
I absolutely love seeing how my clients take what I teach about this Lose Fat Get Jacked lifestyle and make it their own based on their own natural tendencies and personal preferences.

In this video you're going to see some killer training footage from Aaron along with some amazingly delicious tweaks he's made to some of my favourite meals...
In this video Mario shares his experiences in discovering his ideal male physique sweet spot.
In this video Jeff shares his experiences of how he successfully went from losing nearly 60 pounds of fat to finding his maintenance, and then onto a responsible lean bulk to look absolutely freak'n jacked!

We reveal the complete details of exactly how and why we bumped up his calories, the rate of weight gain we're aiming for, and how his body has been responding.

Jeff shares the difficulties in transitioning from a fat loss mindset to a maintenance mindset, to a muscle building mindset. He expresses the concerns he had about overeating, how he's learned to relax a bit with his diet, and how he's measured his progress in a way that has set him up for long term success and joy in the process.